Uses of Interface

Packages that use Element Basis classes for all packages. Here are the common classes that every logical package needs. Here are simple model implementations. This package enables to check proofs with the basic rules. Contains common proof classes. Proof finder can be found here. Checking for being well-formed formulas. Business objects for qedeq modules. Central module service plugin functionality. Contains logical services. UTF-8 export abilities of the kernel. Descriptions of element list functions. The main functionalities of qedeq modules are described here. An element is either a list or an atom. Value objects for QEDEQ modules. The visitor design pattern allows you to decouple the classes for the data structure and the algorithms used upon them. 
org.qedeq.kernel.xml.handler.list Handler to parse formulas and terms. 
org.qedeq.kernel.xml.parser Connection to SAX XML parsers. 

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element NodeBo.getFormula()
          Get formula of node.

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 java.lang.String Element2Latex.getLatex(Element element)
          Get LaTeX element presentation.
 java.lang.String Element2Utf8.getUtf8(Element element)
          Get UTF-8 element presentation.
 java.lang.String[] Element2Utf8.getUtf8(Element element, int maxCols)
          Get an UTF-8 element presentation that doesn't exceed the given maximum column length.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
static Element FormulaUtility.createMeta(Element subjectVariable)
          Create meta variable for subject variable.
static Element FormulaUtility.createPredicateVariable(java.lang.String predicateVariableName)
          Create predicate variable out of variable name with no further arguments.
static Element FormulaUtility.createSubjectVariable(java.lang.String subjectVariableName)
          Create subject variable out of variable name.
 Element FunctionConstant.getCompleteFormula()
          Get complete defining formula.
 Element FunctionConstant.getDefiningTerm()
          Get defining term.
 Element LogicalCheckException.getElement()
          Get the problematic element.
 Element ReferenceResolver.getNormalizedFormula(Element element)
          Get formula in a normalized format.
 Element ReferenceResolver.getNormalizedLocalProofLineReference(java.lang.String reference)
          Get local for proof line reference.
 Element ReferenceResolver.getNormalizedReferenceFormula(java.lang.String reference)
          Get reference formula in a normalized format.
static Element FormulaUtility.replaceOperatorVariable(Element formula, Element operatorVariable, Element replacement)
          Replace function or predicate variable by given term or formula.
static Element FormulaUtility.replaceSubjectVariableQuantifier(Element originalSubjectVariable, Element replacementSubjectVariable, Element formulaElement, int occurrenceGoal, Enumerator occurreneCurrent)
          Replace bound subject variables at given occurrence by another one.

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaChecker.checkFormula(Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Checks if an Element is a formula.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaChecker.checkFormula(Element element, ModuleContext context, ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
          Checks if an Element is a formula.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaChecker.checkTerm(Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Check if Element is a term.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaChecker.checkTerm(Element element, ModuleContext context, ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
          Check if Element is a term.
static boolean FormulaUtility.containsOperatorVariable(Element formula, Element operatorVariable)
          Checks if a given term or formula contains a given function or predicate variable with same size.
static Element FormulaUtility.createMeta(Element subjectVariable)
          Create meta variable for subject variable.
static ElementSet FormulaUtility.getBoundSubjectVariables(Element element)
          Return all bound subject variables of an element.
static java.lang.String FormulaUtility.getDifferenceLocation(Element first, Element second)
          Get relative context of the first difference between the given elements.
static ElementSet FormulaUtility.getFreeSubjectVariables(Element element)
          Return all free subject variables of an element.
 Element ReferenceResolver.getNormalizedFormula(Element element)
          Get formula in a normalized format.
static ElementSet FormulaUtility.getPartFormulas(Element element)
          Return all part formulas of an element.
static ElementSet FormulaUtility.getPredicateVariables(Element element)
          Return all predicate variables of an element.
static ElementSet FormulaUtility.getPropositionVariables(Element element)
          Return all proposition variables of an element.
static ElementSet FormulaUtility.getSubjectVariables(Element element)
          Return all subject variables of an element.
static boolean FormulaUtility.isFunctionConstant(Element element)
          Is Element a function constant?
static boolean FormulaUtility.isFunctionVariable(Element element)
          Is Element a function variable?
static boolean FormulaUtility.isImplication(Element formula)
          Is the given formula a simple implication like A => B.
static boolean FormulaUtility.isOperator(java.lang.String operator, Element element)
          Is the given element an list with given operator and has as first element an non empty string atom?
static boolean FormulaUtility.isPredicateConstant(Element element)
          Is Element a predicate constant?
static boolean FormulaUtility.isPredicateVariable(Element element)
          Is Element a predicate variable?
static boolean FormulaUtility.isPropositionVariable(Element element)
          Is Element a proposition variable?
static boolean FormulaUtility.isSubjectVariable(Element element)
          Is Element a subject variable?
static Element FormulaUtility.replaceOperatorVariable(Element formula, Element operatorVariable, Element replacement)
          Replace function or predicate variable by given term or formula.
static Element FormulaUtility.replaceSubjectVariableQuantifier(Element originalSubjectVariable, Element replacementSubjectVariable, Element formulaElement, int occurrenceGoal, Enumerator occurreneCurrent)
          Replace bound subject variables at given occurrence by another one.
static boolean FormulaUtility.testOperatorVariable(Element formula, Element operatorVariable, ElementSet bound)
          Test if operator occurrence in formula matches always to a formula that contains no subject variable that is in the given ElementSet of bound subject variables..

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
LogicalCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Constructs an exception.
LogicalCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context, ModuleContext referenceContext)
          Constructs an exception.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 Entity DynamicDirectInterpreter.calculateTerm(ModuleContext moduleContext, Element term)
          Calculate the term value of a given term.
 boolean DynamicDirectInterpreter.calculateValue(ModuleContext moduleContext, Element formula)
          Calculate the truth value of a given formula is a tautology.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element ProofChecker2Impl.getNormalizedFormula(Element element)
 Element ProofChecker2Impl.getNormalizedLocalProofLineReference(java.lang.String reference)
 Element ProofChecker2Impl.getNormalizedReferenceFormula(java.lang.String reference)

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 LogicalCheckExceptionList ProofChecker1Impl.checkProof(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof, RuleChecker checker, ModuleContext moduleContext, ReferenceResolver resolver)
 LogicalCheckExceptionList ProofChecker0Impl.checkProof(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof, RuleChecker checker, ModuleContext moduleContext, ReferenceResolver resolver)
 LogicalCheckExceptionList ProofChecker2Impl.checkProof(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof, RuleChecker checker, ModuleContext moduleContext, ReferenceResolver resolver)
 Element ProofChecker2Impl.getNormalizedFormula(Element element)

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
ProofCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Constructs an exception.
ProofCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context, ModuleContext referenceContext)
          Constructs an exception.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 LogicalCheckExceptionList ProofChecker.checkProof(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof, RuleChecker checker, ModuleContext context, ReferenceResolver resolver)
          Checks if a formal proof is ok.
 void ProofFinder.findProof(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof, ModuleContext context, Parameters parameters, ModuleLogListener log, Element2Utf8 transform)
          Finds a formal proof.
 void ProofFoundListener.proofFound(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof)
          Informs about a found proof for a formula.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element SubstPredBo.getPredicateVariable()
 Element SubstPredBo.getSubstituteFormula()

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 void ProofFinderImpl.findProof(Element formula, FormalProofLineList proof, ModuleContext context, Parameters parameters, ModuleLogListener log, Element2Utf8 trans)
static java.lang.String ProofFinderUtility.getUtf8Line(Element formula, Reason reason, int i, Element2Utf8 trans)
          Get UTF-8 representation of proof line.

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
SubstPredBo(int n, Element predicateVariable, Element substituteFormula)
          Constructs an reason.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaCheckerImpl.checkFormula(Element element, ModuleContext context)
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaCheckerImpl.checkFormula(Element element, ModuleContext context, ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaCheckerImpl.checkTerm(Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Check if Element is a term.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList FormulaCheckerImpl.checkTerm(Element element, ModuleContext context, ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
          Check if Element is a term.

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
ElementCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Constructs an exception.
ElementCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context, ModuleContext referenceContext)
          Constructs an exception.
FormulaCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Constructs an exception.
FormulaCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context, ModuleContext referenceContext)
          Constructs an exception.
TermCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Constructs an exception.
TermCheckException(int errorCode, java.lang.String message, Element element, ModuleContext context, ModuleContext referenceContext)
          Constructs an exception.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element KernelNodeBo.getFormula()

Uses of Element in

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 java.lang.String Element2LatexImpl.getLatex(Element element)
 java.lang.String Element2Utf8Impl.getUtf8(Element element)
 java.lang.String[] Element2Utf8Impl.getUtf8(Element element, int maxCols)

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element FormalProofCheckerExecutor.getNormalizedFormula(Element formula)
 Element FormalProofCheckerExecutor.getNormalizedLocalProofLineReference(java.lang.String reference)
 Element FormalProofCheckerExecutor.getNormalizedReferenceFormula(java.lang.String reference)

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 Element FormalProofCheckerExecutor.getNormalizedFormula(Element formula)

Uses of Element in

Methods in with parameters of type Element
protected  java.lang.String Qedeq2UnicodeVisitor.getUtf8(Element element)
          Get Utf8 element presentation.
protected  java.lang.String[] Qedeq2UnicodeVisitor.getUtf8(Element element, int max)
          Get Utf8 element presentation.

Uses of Element in

Subinterfaces of Element in
 interface Atom
          Element atom.
 interface ElementList
          Every Operator must implement this interface.

Methods in that return Element
 Element Element.copy()
          Returns an identical object.
 Element ElementList.getElement(int i)
          Get the requested argument.
 Element Element.replace(Element search, Element replacement)
          Creates and returns a copy of this object, but replaces anything that equals(java.lang.Object) argument with a copy() of replacement.

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 void ElementList.add(Element element)
          TODO 20110327 m31: do we have to use modifying methods like this or ElementList.remove(int) and so on? If we need them we have to make a deep copy.
 void ElementList.insert(int position, Element element)
          Inserts an element to specified position.
 Element Element.replace(Element search, Element replacement)
          Creates and returns a copy of this object, but replaces anything that equals(java.lang.Object) argument with a copy() of replacement.
 void ElementList.replace(int position, Element element)
          Replaces an element at specified position.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element Term.getElement()
          Get term.
 Element Formula.getElement()
          Get formula or term.
 Element InitialFunctionDefinition.getFunCon()
          Get function constant that we define.
 Element SubstFunc.getFunctionVariable()
          Get function variable (with subject variables as parameters) that should be replaced.
 Element Rename.getOriginalSubjectVariable()
          Get original subject variable.
 Element InitialPredicateDefinition.getPredCon()
          Get new predicate constant with free subject variables.
 Element SubstPred.getPredicateVariable()
          Get predicate variable (with subject variables as parameters) that should be replaced.
 Element Rename.getReplacementSubjectVariable()
          Get replacement subject variable.
 Element Universal.getSubjectVariable()
          Get free subject variable we want to quantify over.
 Element SubstFree.getSubjectVariable()
          Get free subject variable that should be replaced.
 Element Existential.getSubjectVariable()
          Get free subject variable we want to quantify over.
 Element SubstPred.getSubstituteFormula()
          Get substitute formula.
 Element SubstFunc.getSubstituteTerm()
          Get substitute term.
 Element SubstFree.getSubstituteTerm()
          Get replacement term.

Uses of Element in

Classes in that implement Element
 class DefaultAtom
          An object of this class represents a text string.
 class DefaultElementList
          Every Operator must inherit from this class.

Methods in that return Element
 Element DefaultAtom.copy()
 Element DefaultElementList.copy()
 Element DefaultElementList.getElement(int i)
 Element DefaultAtom.replace(Element search, Element replacement)
 Element DefaultElementList.replace(Element search, Element replacement)

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 ElementSet ElementSet.add(Element element)
          Add an element to set.
 void DefaultElementList.add(Element element)
 boolean ElementSet.contains(Element element)
          Is element in set?
 void DefaultElementList.insert(int position, Element element)
 ElementSet ElementSet.remove(Element element)
          Remove an element from this set.
 Element DefaultAtom.replace(Element search, Element replacement)
 Element DefaultElementList.replace(Element search, Element replacement)
 void DefaultElementList.replace(int position, Element element)

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
DefaultElementList(java.lang.String operator, Element[] elements)
          Constructs an element list.
ElementSet(Element[] elements)
          Constructs an element set.

Uses of Element in

Methods in that return Element
 Element TermVo.getElement()
 Element FormulaVo.getElement()
 Element InitialFunctionDefinitionVo.getFunCon()
 Element SubstFuncVo.getFunctionVariable()
 Element RenameVo.getOriginalSubjectVariable()
 Element InitialPredicateDefinitionVo.getPredCon()
 Element SubstPredVo.getPredicateVariable()
 Element RenameVo.getReplacementSubjectVariable()
 Element UniversalVo.getSubjectVariable()
 Element ExistentialVo.getSubjectVariable()
 Element SubstFreeVo.getSubjectVariable()
 Element SubstPredVo.getSubstituteFormula()
 Element SubstFuncVo.getSubstituteTerm()
 Element SubstFreeVo.getSubstituteTerm()

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 void TermVo.setElement(Element element)
          Set term.
 void FormulaVo.setElement(Element element)
          Set formula.
 void InitialFunctionDefinitionVo.setFunCon(Element funCon)
          Set function constant that we define.
 void SubstFuncVo.setFunctionVariable(Element functionVariable)
          Set function variable that will be substituted.
 void RenameVo.setOriginalSubjectVariable(Element originalSubjectVariable)
          Set original subject variable, which will be replaced.
 void InitialPredicateDefinitionVo.setPredCon(Element predCon)
          Set new predicate constant with free subject variables.
 void SubstPredVo.setPredicateVariable(Element predicateVariable)
          Set predicate variable that will be substituted.
 void RenameVo.setReplacementSubjectVariable(Element replacementSubjectVariable)
          Set new subject variable subject variable.
 void UniversalVo.setSubjectVariable(Element subjectVariable)
          Set quantification subject variable.
 void ExistentialVo.setSubjectVariable(Element subjectVariable)
          Set quantification subject variable.
 void SubstFreeVo.setSubjectVariable(Element subjectVariable)
          Get subject variable that will be substituted.
 void SubstPredVo.setSubstituteFormula(Element substituteFormula)
          Set substitution formula.
 void SubstFuncVo.setSubstituteTerm(Element substituteTerm)
          Set substitution term.
 void SubstFreeVo.setSubstituteTerm(Element substituteTerm)
          Set substitution term.

Constructors in with parameters of type Element
ExistentialVo(java.lang.String reference, Element subjectVariable)
          Constructs an reason.
FormulaVo(Element element)
          Constructs a formula.
RenameVo(java.lang.String reference, Element originalSubjectVariable, Element replacementSubjectVariable, int occurrence)
          Constructs an addition argument.
SubstFreeVo(java.lang.String reference, Element subjectVariable, Element substituteTerm)
          Constructs an reason.
SubstFuncVo(java.lang.String reference, Element functionVariable, Element substituteFormula)
          Constructs an reason.
SubstPredVo(java.lang.String reference, Element predicateVariable, Element substituteFormula)
          Constructs an reason.
TermVo(Element element)
          Constructs a term.
UniversalVo(java.lang.String reference, Element subjectVariable)
          Constructs an reason.

Uses of Element in

Methods in with parameters of type Element
 void QedeqNotNullTraverser.accept(Element element)
 void QedeqTraverser.accept(Element element)
          Traverse element.

Uses of Element in org.qedeq.kernel.xml.handler.list

Methods in org.qedeq.kernel.xml.handler.list that return Element
 Element ElementHandler.getElement()
          Get parsed element.

Uses of Element in org.qedeq.kernel.xml.parser

Methods in org.qedeq.kernel.xml.parser that return Element
static Element BasicParser.createElement(java.lang.String xml)
          Create element out of XML string.
static Element[] BasicParser.createElements(java.lang.String xml)
          Create elements out of XML string.

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