
Here are the common classes that every logical package needs.


Interface Summary
ClassOperatorExistenceChecker Check if the class operator is already defined.
ExistenceChecker Check if operators are already defined and well formed.
FormulaChecker A formula checker can check logical correctness of a formula or term.
FormulaCheckerFactory Can create a FormulaChecker.
FunctionExistenceChecker Check if a function is already defined.
IdentityOperatorExistenceChecker Check if the predicate for identity is already defined.
Operators Logical and term operators.
PredicateExistenceChecker Check if a predicate is already defined.
ReferenceResolver Resolver for references from formal proof lines.
RuleExistenceChecker Check if a rule is already defined.

Class Summary
FormulaUtility Some useful static methods for formulas and terms.
FunctionConstant Function constant.
FunctionKey Function constant key, describing a function constant.
LogicalCheckExceptionList Type save LogicalCheckException list.
PredicateConstant Predicate constant.
PredicateKey Predicate constant key, describing a predicate constant.
SubjectVariable One subject variable.

Exception Summary
ClassOperatorAlreadyExistsException A class operator was defined twice.
IdentityOperatorAlreadyExistsException The identity operator was defined twice.
LogicalCheckException This is the basis for an exception for logical errors within a QEDEQ module.

Package Description

Here are the common classes that every logical package needs.

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