
Business objects for qedeq modules.


Interface Summary
InternalKernelServices The kernel internal service methods are assembled here.
InternalModuleServiceCall Information for a service call.
InternalServiceJob Process info for a kernel service.
KernelQedeqBo Kernel internal QedeqBo with additional methods.
ModuleArbiter Get locks for modules.
ModuleConstantsExistenceChecker Contains methods for existence checking of various operands.
ModuleErrors Error codes and messages for module package.
QedeqFileDao An instance of this interface can load and save QEDEQ module files.
Reference Reference to another QEDEQ module, a node, a part of a node formula, a formal proof line.

Class Summary
DefaultReference A reference to a QEDEQ module or one of its parts.
KernelModuleReferenceList Represents a reference list of modules.
KernelNodeBo Business object for node access.
ModuleLabels Maps labels of an QEDEQ module to their nodes.

Exception Summary
ReferenceLinkException A reference link resolution failed.

Package Description

Business objects for qedeq modules.

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