
Here are simple model implementations.


Interface Summary
HeuristicErrorCodes Contains the error codes for heuristic model checks.
Model A model for our mathematical world.

Class Summary
DynamicDirectInterpreter This class calculates a new truth value for a given formula for a given interpretation.
DynamicModel A model for our mathematical world.
Entity One entity in our model.
FourDynamicModel A model for our mathematical world.
Function One function for our model.
FunctionVariable One function variable.
FunctionVariableInterpreter Interpret function variables.
ModelFunctionConstant One function constant.
ModelPredicateConstant Predicate constant for our model.
Operator Operators with arguments.
Predicate One predicate for our model.
PredicateVariable Predicate variable for our model.
PredicateVariableInterpreter This class calculates a new truth value for a given formula for a given interpretation.
SixDynamicModel A model for our mathematical world.
SubjectVariableAllocation One subject variable allocation for our model.
SubjectVariableInterpreter This class interpretation.
ThreeDynamicModel A model for our mathematical world.
UnaryDynamicModel A model for our mathematical world.

Exception Summary
HeuristicException Something went wrong during formula testing within model.

Package Description

Here are simple model implementations. This enables the kernel to check simple formulas and provides some kind of heuristic to check the formulas for typing errors.

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