
Contains logical services.


Interface Summary
LogicErrors Error codes and messages for service package.

Class Summary
DefaultExistenceChecker Checks if all predicate and function constants exist already.
FormalProofCheckerExecutor Checks if all propositions have a correct formal proof.
FormalProofCheckerPlugin Checks if all propositions have a correct formal proof.
ModuleConstantsExistenceCheckerImpl Checks if a predicate or function constant is defined.
SimpleProofFinderExecutor Finds simple formal proofs.
SimpleProofFinderPlugin Finds primitive formal proofs.
WellFormedCheckerExecutor Checks if all formulas of a QEDEQ module are well formed.
WellFormedCheckerPlugin Checks if all formulas of a QEDEQ module are well formed.

Exception Summary
CheckRequiredModuleException Check failed error for an required QEDEQ module.

Package Description

Contains logical services.

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