Interface FormulaChecker

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface FormulaChecker

A formula checker can check logical correctness of a formula or term.

Michael Meyling

Method Summary
 LogicalCheckExceptionList checkFormula(Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Checks if an Element is a formula.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList checkFormula(Element element, ModuleContext context, ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
          Checks if an Element is a formula.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList checkTerm(Element element, ModuleContext context)
          Check if Element is a term.
 LogicalCheckExceptionList checkTerm(Element element, ModuleContext context, ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
          Check if Element is a term.

Method Detail


LogicalCheckExceptionList checkFormula(Element element,
                                       ModuleContext context,
                                       ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
Checks if an Element is a formula. If there are any errors the returned list (which is always not null) has a size greater zero.

element - Check this element.
context - For location information. Important for locating errors.
existenceChecker - Existence checker for operators.
Collected errors if there are any. Not null.


LogicalCheckExceptionList checkFormula(Element element,
                                       ModuleContext context)
Checks if an Element is a formula. All predicates and functions are assumed to exist. If there are any errors the returned list (which is always not null) has a size greater zero. If the existence context is known you should use checkFormula(Element, ModuleContext, ExistenceChecker).

element - Check this element.
context - For location information. Important for locating errors.
Collected errors if there are any. Not null.


LogicalCheckExceptionList checkTerm(Element element,
                                    ModuleContext context,
                                    ExistenceChecker existenceChecker)
Check if Element is a term. If there are any errors the returned list (which is always not null) has a size greater zero.

element - Check this element.
context - For location information. Important for locating errors.
existenceChecker - Existence checker for operators.
Collected errors if there are any. Not null.


LogicalCheckExceptionList checkTerm(Element element,
                                    ModuleContext context)
Check if Element is a term. If there are any errors the returned list (which is always not null) has a size greater zero. If the existence context is known you should use checkTerm(Element, ModuleContext, ExistenceChecker).

element - Check this element.
context - For location information. Important for locating errors.
Collected errors if there are any. Not null.

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