
Parse texts with formulas and terms into parse tree and produce QEDEQ output.


Class Summary
AsciiMathParser Parse term or formula data into Terms.
LatexMathParser Parse LaTeX term or formula data into Terms.
MathParser Parse term or formula data into Terms.
MementoTextInput Remember TextInput positions.
Operator This class describes an term or logical operator.
SimpleMathParser Parse term or formula data into Terms.
Term Parsed term.
TermAtom Parsed atom, this is a term constant, or an formula constant.

Exception Summary
ClosingBracketMissingException Closing bracket expected but is missing.
EndSymbolNotFoundException Expected end symbol of expression not found.
ParserException Base for parser exceptions.
SeparatorNotFoundException Separator not found.
TooFewArgumentsException To few arguments.
TooMuchArgumentsException There are too much arguments.
UnexpectedOperatorException Operator occurred unexpected.

Package Description

Parse texts with formulas and terms into parse tree and produce QEDEQ output. With this package simple texts like A | B => A & B can be transformed into texts like IMPL(OR(A, B), AND(A, B)).

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