
Contains business object controllers.


Interface Summary
InternalModuleServicePlugin Just a marker interface for an internal plugin.
ModuleServiceExecutor Represents a service execution.
ModuleServicePlugin Represents a plugin and its services.
ModuleServicePluginExecutor Represents a plugin execution.
ServiceErrors Error codes and messages for service package.

Class Summary
ControlVisitor Basic visitor that gives some error collecting features.
ModuleLabelsCreator Create mapping from labels to NodeVo for a QEDEQ module.
ModuleServicePluginResults Holds the results from a plugin execution.
QedeqVoBuilder TODO 20110125 m31: why do we need this builder? To make copies.

Exception Summary
ModuleFileNotFoundException QEDEQ module file was not found in local file buffer.
RuntimeVisitorException An unexpected runtime exception was thrown during a visit.

Package Description

Contains business object controllers.

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