Class DefaultReference

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DefaultReference
extends java.lang.Object
implements Reference

A reference to a QEDEQ module or one of its parts.

Michael Meyling

Constructor Summary
DefaultReference(KernelNodeBo nodeCurrent, KernelQedeqBo qedeqGoal, java.lang.String qedeqGoalLabel, KernelNodeBo nodeGoal, java.lang.String nodeGoalLabel, java.lang.String subLabel, java.lang.String proofLineLabel)
Method Summary
 KernelQedeqBo getExternalQedeq()
          Get external QEDEQ module the reference points to.
 java.lang.String getExternalQedeqLabel()
          Get label for QEDEQ module the reference points to.
 KernelNodeBo getNode()
          Node the reference points to.
 java.lang.String getNodeLabel()
          Label of the node the reference points to.
 java.lang.String getProofLineLabel()
          Proof line label of a node the reference points to.
 java.lang.String getSubLabel()
          Sub node label the reference points to.
 boolean isExternal()
          Does the the reference point to another QEDEQ module?
 boolean isExternalModuleReference()
          Does the the reference point to another QEDEQ module but not to a node?
 boolean isNodeLocalReference()
          Does the the reference point to the same node?
 boolean isNodeReference()
          Does the the reference point to a node? It might also be a sub reference to a node like a part of a proposition or a formal proof line.
 boolean isProofLineReference()
          Does the the reference point to a proof line of a node? If this is true it can not have a node sub reference.
 boolean isSubReference()
          Does the the reference point to a sub reference of a node? This is a part of a node formula.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public DefaultReference(KernelNodeBo nodeCurrent,
                        KernelQedeqBo qedeqGoal,
                        java.lang.String qedeqGoalLabel,
                        KernelNodeBo nodeGoal,
                        java.lang.String nodeGoalLabel,
                        java.lang.String subLabel,
                        java.lang.String proofLineLabel)

nodeCurrent - In this node the reference is in.
qedeqGoal - To this external QEDEQ module the reference points to.
qedeqGoalLabel - Label for the external QEDEQ module the reference points to.
nodeGoal - To this node the reference points to.
nodeGoalLabel - Label for the node the reference points to.
subLabel - To this sub node label the reference points.
proofLineLabel - To this proof line label the reference points to.
Method Detail


public boolean isExternalModuleReference()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Does the the reference point to another QEDEQ module but not to a node?

Specified by:
isExternalModuleReference in interface Reference
The reference goes directly to to another module.


public KernelQedeqBo getExternalQedeq()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Get external QEDEQ module the reference points to.

Specified by:
getExternalQedeq in interface Reference
QEDEQ module.


public java.lang.String getExternalQedeqLabel()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Get label for QEDEQ module the reference points to.

Specified by:
getExternalQedeqLabel in interface Reference
QEDEQ module label.


public KernelNodeBo getNode()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Node the reference points to. Might be in an external QEDEQ module. The reference might also have a sub reference or proof line reference.

Specified by:
getNode in interface Reference
Node the reference points to.


public java.lang.String getNodeLabel()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Label of the node the reference points to.

Specified by:
getNodeLabel in interface Reference
Node label the reference points to.


public java.lang.String getProofLineLabel()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Proof line label of a node the reference points to.

Specified by:
getProofLineLabel in interface Reference
Proof line label the reference points to.


public java.lang.String getSubLabel()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Sub node label the reference points to.

Specified by:
getSubLabel in interface Reference
Sub node label the reference points to.


public boolean isExternal()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Does the the reference point to another QEDEQ module?

Specified by:
isExternal in interface Reference
The reference goes to another module.


public boolean isNodeLocalReference()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Does the the reference point to the same node?

Specified by:
isNodeLocalReference in interface Reference
The reference is in the same node as the label.


public boolean isNodeReference()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Does the the reference point to a node? It might also be a sub reference to a node like a part of a proposition or a formal proof line.

Specified by:
isNodeReference in interface Reference
The reference goes to a node or to a label within a node.


public boolean isSubReference()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Does the the reference point to a sub reference of a node? This is a part of a node formula. If this is true it can not have a proof line reference.

Specified by:
isSubReference in interface Reference
The reference goes to a part of a node formula.


public boolean isProofLineReference()
Description copied from interface: Reference
Does the the reference point to a proof line of a node? If this is true it can not have a node sub reference.

Specified by:
isProofLineReference in interface Reference
The reference goes to a proof line.

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