Uses of Class

Packages that use Predicate Here are simple model implementations. 

Uses of Predicate in

Fields in declared as Predicate
static Predicate DynamicModel.EQUAL
          Are the entities are all the same?
static Predicate DynamicModel.EVEN
          Return true if value is even.
static Predicate DynamicModel.FALSE
          Always return false.
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.IS_EMPTY
          Return true if all values are zero.
static Predicate FourDynamicModel.IS_ONE
          Return true if all values are 1.
static Predicate ThreeDynamicModel.IS_ONE
          Return true if all values are 1.
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.IS_ONE_ONE
          Return true if all values are {1}.
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.IS_ONE_TWO
          Return true if all values are {2}.
static Predicate FourDynamicModel.IS_THREE
          Return true if all values are 2.
static Predicate FourDynamicModel.IS_TWO
          Return true if all values are 2.
static Predicate ThreeDynamicModel.IS_TWO
          Return true if all values are 2.
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.IS_TWO_ONE_TWO
          Return true if all values are {2}.
static Predicate FourDynamicModel.IS_ZERO
          Return true if all values are zero.
static Predicate ThreeDynamicModel.IS_ZERO
          Return true if all values are zero.
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.IS_ZERO_ONE
          Return true if all values are 1.
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.IS_ZERO_TWO
          Return true if all values are 2.
static Predicate DynamicModel.LESS
          Are the entities ordered by < ?
static Predicate DynamicModel.NOT_EQUAL
          Are the entities are not all the same?
static Predicate SixDynamicModel.NOT_IS_ONE_TWO
          Are the entities are not all equal to {2}?
static Predicate DynamicModel.NOT_LESS
          Are the entities not ordered by < ?
static Predicate DynamicModel.TRUE
          Always return true.

Methods in that return Predicate
static Predicate Predicate.and(Predicate op1, Predicate op2)
          Construct conjunction of two predicates.
 Predicate DynamicModel.getPredicate(int size, int number)
 Predicate Model.getPredicate(int size, int number)
          Get predicate of this model.
 Predicate PredicateVariableInterpreter.getPredicate(PredicateVariable var)
          Get model predicate for predicate variable.
 Predicate DynamicModel.getPredicateConstant(ModelPredicateConstant con)
 Predicate Model.getPredicateConstant(ModelPredicateConstant con)
          Get predicate constant of this model.
static Predicate Predicate.isEntity(Entity entity)
          Construct identifying predicate.
static Predicate Predicate.not(Predicate predicate)
          Construct negation of other predicate.
static Predicate Predicate.or(Predicate op1, Predicate op2)
          Construct disjunction of two predicates.

Methods in with parameters of type Predicate
 void DynamicModel.addPredicate(int size, Predicate predicate)
          Add a predicate for interpreting predicate variables.
 void DynamicModel.addPredicateConstant(ModelPredicateConstant constant, Predicate predicate)
          Add a predicate constant.
static Predicate Predicate.and(Predicate op1, Predicate op2)
          Construct conjunction of two predicates.
static Predicate Predicate.not(Predicate predicate)
          Construct negation of other predicate.
static Predicate Predicate.or(Predicate op1, Predicate op2)
          Construct disjunction of two predicates.

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