
Common classes.


Interface Summary
CheckLevel Represents a check level.
ErrorCodes Mark all classes that contain application error codes.
ModuleAddress An address for a QEDEQ module.
ModuleService Currently just a marker interface for services working mainly on one particular module.
Service Represents a service and its basic properties.
ServiceCompleteness An instance of this interface can answer the question which percentage is already finished.
State Describes whiche state a QEDEQ module is currently in.

Class Summary
DefaultModuleAddress An object of this class represents an address for a QEDEQ module.
ModuleContext Define context for an instance of Qedeq.
RuleKey Rule key, describing a certain version of a rule.

Exception Summary
IllegalModuleDataException Data validation error for a QEDEQ module.
ModuleDataException Data validation error for a QEDEQ module.
QedeqException Base class for all exceptions of this application.
SourceFileException Data validation error.
SourceFileExceptionList Type save SourceFileException list.

Package Description

Common classes.

General exceptions are here for example.

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