Making a release for *Hilbert II* Prepare for Build ----------------- - check eclipse "problems" - check eclipse "task list" - run FindBugs - run Classcycle - run *PestSuite s and change all running tests from "pest*" into "test*" Preliminary Build ----------------- - test within eclipse if QedeqMainFrame works ok (open all windows!) - run QedeqBuild/scripts/fastBuild to create new development release + look at the messages during build project (e.g. javadoc warnings) + if it runs through all tests are ok + direct execution, is all still working (open all windows!) + look into the generated pdfs if they look ok + check java doc > is every package there > look at the messages during build project + exame index.html and update it + transfer release to WebPage > copy xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar from eclipse/webstart [TODO: do by script] directory into release webstart directory (they are stripped of the original and are signed with jarsigner due to an java webstart bug) > web execution, is that ok too? > indide FireFox run checky to validate the HTML - go through qedeq_bugs_and_features*.xls and rework list - put build in qedeq_temp directory and name it "release_" + version + "_" + build number Update Build Documentation -------------------------- - compare build with last build and document changes in QedeqRel/inc/se/changes.txt - update QedeqRel/inc/se/readme.txt - update QedeqRel/inc/se/release.txt (whatfor???) Update CVS Tags --------------- - commit everything to subversion, nothing must remain marked as changed. - run copySubversionToCvs.xml - start eclipse_cvs 1. synchronize 2. clean timestamps 3. commit changes 4. close eclipse_cvs - run copyCvsToSubversion.xml - synchronize and commit Real Build ---------- - build again (inkl. "release_" + version + "_" + sub version copy - put build in qedeq_rel directory and name it "release_" + version + "_" + build number - tag CVS as in the following example: qedeq_unstable_0_01_06_2005-03-09 - tag subversion + open team create Branch/Tags on project + browse + create new entry in tags: right mouse click and new tag directory + choose destination folder for QedeqKernelSe for example: with version as comment - transfer release to WebPage (se above) Make Release known ------------------ - goto and create new release - upload files *.tar.gz and *.zip - finish release creation - update sourceforge entry - update qedeq_pad.xml file and put it to web page Update Web Page --------------- - adapt at least + download.html + development.html + webstart.html + news.html + site.csv + planning.html ? - run W3C html and link validation for web page Refactoring After Release ------------------------- - update build number in QedeqBuild/scripts/ - change version number in various *.xml tests - check if QedeqBuild/scripts/fastBuild runs through - look at *PestSuite s and make some tests green and add new ones - look at qedeq_bugs_and_features*.xls and make the refactorings you like