Hilbert II, Version 0.03.10 (mongaga), 2008-05-17 07:17:25 Version History 0.03.10 ======= Functional Changes ------------------ Extensions ---------- * multiple formal errors per formula are shown * source viewer jumps to error position if the error is clicked Fixed Bugs ---------- * only one instance of application can be started * if QEDEQ modules are loaded from local files the status messages announce that too * "invisible selection problem" (see below) Other Changes ------------- * loading failures of referenced QEDEQ modules point directy to import label * java version ist checked during startup and must be at least 1.4.2 * loading sequence for referenced modules changed: now modules are tryed according their enumeration * thanks to Santhosh Kumar the GUI shows now multiple error positions within the source code and the current line is highlighted * clicking the error in the error list jumps directly to the incorrect source code * when starting with WebStart the appliction directory is now qedeq within {user.home} * leaner XmlModuleLoader XML Files ----------- Extensions ---------- none Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- none Source Code ----------- Extensions ---------- * FormulaChecker collects all occurring errors in a LogicalCheckExceptionList and QedeqBoFormalLogicChecker transforms them into SourceFileException s * code from AddAction and AddFileAction was put into Kernel * new class ErrorSelectionListener to indicate an error selection various classes implement this listener now * by clicking the error in the ModuleErrorListPane error list the source viewer shows the error position * two more LoadingState s Fixed Bugs ---------- * LogPane uses SwingUtilities to invoke the events in the Swing event thread * solution of the "invisible selection problem" within QedeqTreeCtrl because the root is invisible its children are invisible too. to make them visible we must expand the the path of the root node. but this is possible only if there is already a child node there. so if the first node is added we must expand the path of root. when the model sends us this event we can not simply expand the path instantly because if we do so, the new node is added twice! This is done for example for VariableHeightLayoutCache.visibleNodes in the two methods setExpandedState(TreePath path, boolean isExpanded) (called by expandPath) and in treeNodesInserted(TreeModelEvent e) (called by DefaultTreeModel.nodesWereInserted(TreeNode node, int[] childIndices) To solve this dilemma we simply generate a new event that is handled later on via SwingUtilities.invokeLater * QedeqTreeNode has now correct equals method Other Changes ------------- * simplified DefaultSourceFileExceptionList * SourceArea must have a start and end position, otherwise a NullPointerException is raised * GUI actions catch RuntimeException to get informed about failures * initial module loading history entries start with qedeq.org * instead of ErrorListPane we have the ModuleErrorListPane now * now called after GUI launched: KernelContext.getInstance().startup() * simplified QedeqTreeCellRenderer * (Kernel)QedeqBo has no longer encoding information * ModuleLoader doesn't throw ModuleNotFoundException * KernelServices.loadModule(ModuleAddress address) doesn't throw a SourceFileExceptionList any longer * DefaultSourceFileExceptionList has fewer constructors XSD --- Extensions ---------- * added new element FORMAL_PROOF Fixed Bugs ---------- none Other Changes ------------- * small reorganization