FindBugs Report

Project Information

FindBugs version: 2.0.2


4350 lines of code analyzed, in 67 classes, in 10 packages.

Metric Total Density*
High Priority Warnings 1 0.23
Medium Priority Warnings 0.00
Total Warnings 1 0.23

(* Defects per Thousand lines of non-commenting source statements)



Warning Type Number
Internationalization Warnings 1
Total 1


Click on a warning row to see full context information.

Internationalization Warnings

Code Warning
Dm Found reliance on default encoding in, String): new String(byte[], int, int)


DM_DEFAULT_ENCODING: Reliance on default encoding

Found a call to a method which will perform a byte to String (or String to byte) conversion, and will assume that the default platform encoding is suitable. This will cause the application behaviour to vary between platforms. Use an alternative API and specify a charset name or Charset object explicitly.