ABSTRACT - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Module contents description. 
AND - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical conjunction. 
AUTHOR - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Name and email address of author. 
AUTHORS - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
List of authors of this module. 
AXIOM - element of namespace noNamespace
Mathematical axiom. 
BIBLIOGRAPHY - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Literature references. 
CHAPTER - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
This part corresponds to the LaTeX item chapter. 
CLASS - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Class described by property. 
DEFINITION_FUNCTION - element of namespace noNamespace
Definition of a function. 
DEFINITION_PREDICATE - element of namespace noNamespace
Definition of a predicate constant. 
DESCRIPTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Additional description. 
DESCRIPTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Additional description. 
DESCRIPTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Additional description. 
DESCRIPTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Additional description. 
DESCRIPTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Additional description. 
EMAILTYPE - simpleType of namespace noNamespace
Type for an email. 
EQUI - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical equivalence. 
EXISTS - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical existential quantifier. 
EXISTSU - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical uniqueness quantifier. 
FORALL - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical universal quantifier. 
FORMULA - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Formula. 
FORMULATYPE - element of namespace noNamespace
Type for a formula. 
FUNCON - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Function constant. 
FUNVAR - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Function variable. 
HEADER - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
File specification, infromation about the authors, imports of other QEDEQ modules and so on are part of the header. 
IMPL - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical implication. 
IMPORT - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
A single reference to a QEDEQ module that must be imported. 
IMPORTS - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
References to other QEDEQ modules that are a precondition for this one. 
INTRODUCTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Chapter contents description. 
INTRODUCTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Section contents description. 
ITEM - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Single literature reference. 
LATEX - element of namespace noNamespace
For each supported language entry one can find a LaTeX text here. 
LEVELTYPE - simpleType of namespace noNamespace
Type for a level. 
LINK - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
References to theorems or axioms. 
LOCATION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Location of a QEDEQ module. 
LOCATIONS - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
List of locations to find the QEDEQ module. 
LOCATIONTYPE - simpleType of namespace noNamespace
Type for a location. 
NAME - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Name of author. 
NAME - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Short text to describe this item. 
NODE - element of namespace noNamespace
This part is the smallest unit and corresponds to the LaTeX item subsection. 
NODETYPE - element of namespace noNamespace
Type for a node. 
NOT - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical negation. 
OR - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Logical disjunction. 
PRECEDING - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Text that precedes the mathematical meat. 
PREDCON - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Predicate constant. 
PREDVAR - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Predicate variable. 
PROOF - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
An informal proof. 
PROOF - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Informal proof for this rule. 
QEDEQ - element of namespace noNamespace
Root element. 
QUANTIFIER_INTERSECTION - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Intersection about all classes that fullfil a property. 
QUANTIFIER_UNION - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Union about all classes that fullfil a property. 
RULE - element of namespace noNamespace
A new meta rule. 
SECTION - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Section of chapter. 
SPECIFICATION - element of namespace noNamespace
File specification of this module. 
SUBSECTION - element of namespace noNamespace
This a normal LaTeX subsection of a section. 
SUBSECTIONS - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
List of subsections. 
SUBSECTIONTYPE - element of namespace noNamespace
Type for a subsection. 
SUCCEEDING - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
Text that succeeds mathematical meat. 
TERM - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Term. 
TERMTYPE - element of namespace noNamespace
Type for a term. 
TEXT - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
The LaTeX text of this subsection. 
THEOREM - element of namespace noNamespace
A theorem and it's proof. 
TITLE - element of namespace noNamespace
Title of a text segment. 
USEDBY - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
List of QEDEQ modules which use (import) this module. 
VAR - element of namespace noNamespace
Logical language: Subject variable. 
VARLIST - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
List of predicate arguments. 
VARLIST - nested element in element of namespace noNamespace
List of function arguments. 

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Created by xsddoc, a sub project of xframe, hosted at http://xframe.sourceforge.net.