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Some more theorems of Predicate Calculus

name: predtheo2, module version: 1.00.00, rule version: 1.02.00, original: predtheo2, author of this module: Michael Meyling


This module includes first proofs of predicate calculus theorems.


This document uses the results of the following documents:


A simple implication:

1. Proposition
" x (R(x)) ® $ x (R(x)))     (predtheo1)

1 (" x (R(x)) ® R(y)) add axiom axiom5
2 (R(y) ® $ x (R(x))) add axiom axiom6
3 (" x (R(x)) ® $ x (R(x))) hypothetical syllogism with 1 and 2

A well known implication:

2. Proposition
$ x (R(x)) ® Ø" x (ØR(x)))     (predtheo2)

1 (" x (R(x)) ® R(y)) add axiom axiom5
2 (" x (ØR(x)) ® ØR(y)) replace predicate variable R(@S1) by ØR(@S1) in 1
3 (Ø" x (ØR(x)) Ú ØR(y)) use abbreviation impl in 2 at occurence 1
4 ((P Ú Q) ® (Q Ú P)) add axiom axiom3
5 ((Ø" x (ØR(x)) Ú Q) ® (Q Ú Ø" x (ØR(x)))) replace proposition variable P by Ø" x (ØR(x)) in 4
6 ((Ø" x (ØR(x)) Ú ØR(y)) ® (ØR(y) Ú Ø" x (ØR(x)))) replace proposition variable Q by ØR(y) in 5
7 (ØR(y) Ú Ø" x (ØR(x))) modus ponens with 3, 6
8 (R(y) ® Ø" x (ØR(x))) reverse abbreviation impl in 7 at occurence 1
9 ($ y (R(y)) ® Ø" x (ØR(x))) particularization by y in 8
10 ($ x (R(x)) ® Ø" x (ØR(x))) rename bound variable y into x in 9 at occurence 1

The reverse is also true:

3. Proposition
Ø" x (ØR(x)) ® $ x (R(x)))     (predtheo3)

1 (R(y) ® $ x (R(x))) add axiom axiom6
2 (Ø$ x (R(x)) ® ØR(y)) apply proposition hilb7 in 1
3 (Ø$ x (R(x)) ® " y (ØR(y))) generalization by y in 2
4 (Ø" y (ØR(y)) ® ØØ$ x (R(x))) apply proposition hilb7 in 3
5 (Ø" y (ØR(y)) ® $ x (R(x))) elementary equivalence in 4 at 1 of hilb6 with hilb5
6 (Ø" x (ØR(x)) ® $ x (R(x))) rename bound variable y into x in 5 at occurence 1

Exchange of universal quantors:

4. Proposition
" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " y (" x (R(x, y))))     (predtheo4)

1 (" x (R(x)) ® R(y)) add axiom axiom5
2 (" y (R(y)) ® R(u)) substitute variables in 1
3 (" y (R(z, y)) ® R(z, u)) replace predicate variable R(@S1) by R(z, @S1) in 2
4 (" v (R(v)) ® R(z)) substitute variables in 1
5 (" v (" w (R(v, w))) ® " w (R(z, w))) replace predicate variable R(@S1) by " w (R(@S1, w)) in 4
6 (" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " y (R(z, y))) substitute variables in 5
7 (" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® R(z, u)) hypothetical syllogism with 6 and 3
8 (" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " z (R(z, u))) generalization by z in 7
9 (" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " u (" z (R(z, u)))) generalization by u in 8
10 (" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " y (" z (R(z, y)))) rename bound variable u into y in 9 at occurence 1
11 (" x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " y (" x (R(x, y)))) rename bound variable z into x in 10 at occurence 1

Implication of changing sequence of existence and universal quantor:

5. Proposition
$ x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " y ($ x (R(x, y))))     (predtheo5)

1 (" x (R(x)) ® R(y)) add axiom axiom5
2 (" y (R(y)) ® R(u)) substitute variables in 1
3 (" y (R(x, y)) ® R(x, u)) replace predicate variable R(@S1) by R(x, @S1) in 2
4 (R(y) ® $ x (R(x))) add axiom axiom6
5 (R(x) ® $ z (R(z))) substitute variables in 4
6 (R(x, u) ® $ z (R(z, u))) replace predicate variable R(@S1) by R(@S1, u) in 5
7 (" y (R(x, y)) ® $ z (R(z, u))) hypothetical syllogism with 3 and 6
8 ($ x (" y (R(x, y))) ® $ z (R(z, u))) particularization by x in 7
9 ($ x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " u ($ z (R(z, u)))) generalization by u in 8
10 ($ x (" y (R(x, y))) ® " y ($ x (R(x, y)))) substitute variables in 9